Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Week 5 Miniroos - Discovery - 13/05/2024

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Pro-Club: Vibe Football

Vibe Football Admin

Profile Summary

Vibe Football Admin
Name: Vibe Football Admin
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tag - Pecking Order

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tag - Pecking Order
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Tag - Pecking Order (15 mins)

Practice intention

  • To invade or evade the opposition

Task Design 

  • Yellow players each have a ball in their hands and are aiming to evade the blue players
  • Blue players each have a bib in their hands and are aiming to tip the Yellow players
    • If a Blue tips a Yellow, they swap items (bib and ball)
  • Red players have nothing in their hands and are aiming to tip the Blue players
    • If a Red tips a Blue, they receive the bib
  • Players cannot tip the player who just tipped them

  • When the round ends, the players receive 2 points if they have the ball hands, 1 for a bib and 0 for nothing


  • Task - Change the body part the bib must touch e.g., the front of the body or the back of the body

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FS - Pecking Order

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FS - Pecking Order
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FS - Pecking Order (15 mins)

Practice intention

  • To invade or evade the opposition

Task Design 

  • Yellow players each have a ball at their feet and are aiming to evade the Blue players
  • Blue players each have a bib in their hands and are aiming to throw their bib on the Yellow player's balls
    • If a Blue's bib touches a Yellow's ball they swap items (bib and ball)
  • Red players have nothing in their hands and are aiming to tip the Blue players
    • If a Red tips a Blue, they receive the bib
  • Players cannot tip the player who just tipped them

  • When the round ends, the players receive 2 points if they have the ball hands, 1 for a bib and 0 for nothing


  • Task - Blue players hold onto their bibs but can now instead steal possession with their feet rather than throwing their bibs onto the ball. Black players must still tip the Blue players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1: Conveyor Belt

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1: Conveyor Belt
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1v1: Conveyor Belt (20 mins)

Practice intention

  • In possession: To outwit the opposition by going around them to score
  • Out of possession: To minimise space and win possession

Task Design

  • All players play at the same time in a 1v1
  • 3 minute rounds. 
  • The Blues move one pitch to the right and the Yellows move one pitch to the left to begin the next round
  • If the ball goes out to the side or behind, the other team gets to dribble it in.
  • If there aren't enough goals, use a different different colour cones to create a goal. 
  • Alternative: Players must stop the ball on or past the end-line to score.


  • Task - change the size of the space
  • Task - Increase complexity by playing 2v2s
  • Task - Encourage winning the ball closer to the opponent's goal. For instance, if you steal possession in their half and score, it counts as two goals.

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button